Taking a look at the XLIF: Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion procedure

XLIF Frisco

Degenerative disc disease can generate many different painful conditions within an individual's body. There are times when it is going to hurt your back and cause pain that can be debilitating, but it can also cause radiant pain to travel through the legs. If you are experiencing leg or back pain as a result of degenerative disc disease, one of the types of treatments that may be suggested by your physician is XLIF: Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion. This is a type of minimally invasive surgical procedure that helps to remove the disc that is causing the problems and to shore up the spine by a inserting an implant that will help to keep it stabilized. What are some of the reasons why this procedure may have been suggested?

One of the main differences between XLIF: Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion and other types of minimally invasive surgical procedures for degenerative disc disease is the access of the spine. Rather than accessing the spine through the back, running the risk of damaging the major muscles in the area, the spine is accessed from the side. It is done through a small incision and it is typically done in a hospital setting on an outpatient basis. The disc is going to be accessed through a tube and removed so that the problems are minimized. Once that occurs, the implant that was discussed before is going to be inserted and the surgery will end. Because this surgery uses minor incisions and is minimally invasive, it is likely that you will have fewer problems and will heal much faster.

Is XLIF: Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion the right choice for you?

The decision as to whether XLIF: Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion is going to be an option for you are not may be discussed by your physician. It is important for you to understand your options and to choose them according to that knowledge that you have gained. When you take advantage of the professional services of The Neuro & Spine Wellness Center, you will be able to make the decision based on the information that they provide for you. Not only will they discuss the possibility of this and other procedures, they will discuss options that may help to relieve your pain without the need for surgery.