What to Cover During Your Consultation

If you’re planning to visit a Frisco neurosurgeon with Neuro & Spine Wellness Center, you’ll want to be as prepared as possible before the consultation. You’ll not only be well informed regarding your procedure, you’ll also feel a lot more comfortable. Either write these down or memorize them; if need be, bring someone with you to make sure the right questions are asked.

What to Cover During Your Consultation

back pain exam400 300x252If you’re planning to visit a Frisco neurosurgeon with Neuro & Spine Wellness Center, you’ll want to be as prepared as possible before the consultation. You’ll not only be well informed regarding your procedure, you’ll also feel a lot more comfortable. Either write these down or memorize them; if need be, bring someone with you to make sure the right questions are asked.

Before Deciding to Have Surgery

  • What type of surgery are you recommending I have, and why?
  • Give me as much information as you can about the procedure.
  • Are there any non-surgical alternatives we can try first?
  • What will happen to me if I don’t address this condition?
  • How long will the procedure take?
  • What are the potential complications and side effects I may experience?
  • What happens if you encounter a different issue than you expected during the surgery?
  • Will I need another procedure in the future, or will this cure my problem permanently?

What to Expect after the Procedure

  • How much pain will I be in after the surgery, and how long will it last?
  • How long will I have to be in the hospital?
  • Will I need any kind of special accommodations once I return home?
  • What kind of symptoms do I need to be on the lookout for when I get back home, and who do I call to report them?
  • What are the symptoms that would warrant a call, and what are others that may require a trip to the emergency room?
  • What kinds of physical limitations will I have, and how long will they last?

If you have an issue that you feel may require the help of a neurosurgeon in Frisco, call Neuro & Spine Wellness Center at (214) 494-0455 or contact us online. Whether you live in Frisco, McKinney or anywhere else in the area, we’re just a short drive away.