Importance of Spinal Cord Health

Protecting your spine is vital to your overall health. Damage to the spine can lead to a number of serious health concerns, including limited mobility and severe pain. In fact, spinal damage is such a big deal that it could even lead to death in cases where your spinal cord health is compromised. Thankfully, there are a number of simple things you can do each day to protect your spine, improve its health, and avoid any kind of back pain or neck pain.

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Be Mindful of Your Posture

One of the easiest ways to protect your spine is to be mindful of your posture. Many people who work in office settings spend virtually all day sitting, and over time, improper posture can cause back pain and even deformities in the spine. Instead of hunching over a desk, sit up straight with your feet on the floor. Additionally, pull your chair close to your desk when typing and rest your arms on your desk at a 90-degree angle. You could also consider placing a small pillow or cushion behind your lower back for added support.

Stretch Often

Another way to protect your spine is to stretch often. At least once an hour, it’s a good idea to stand up and stretch your back lightly. This will relieve tension and keep back muscles healthy, leading to improved spine health. You could also consider going for a short walk once an hour in order to improve spine health.

Ergonomics Matter

Another thing to be aware of at work is how ergonomically your workstation is set up. For example, it’s important to ensure that the top of your computer screen is at eye level. This will keep you from having to look down all the time, meaning you won’t be bending over all day. You could also check the height of your seat to ensure that it is allowing your arms to rest at 90 degrees on your desk. Keep in mind that padding is also important. A seat that does not have enough padding can increase pressure on the base of your spine.

Receive Regular Checkups

Whether you’re experiencing spinal problems or not, it never hurts to get a spinal checkup, especially if you’re at risk for disc injury. Our neurosurgeon and spine specialist, Dr. Samir P. Parikh,can examine your spine and associated joints for problems, and if any are found, a treatment program can be implemented. In most cases, the earlier you catch a spine problem, the easier it will be to solve using non-surgical methods and minimally invasive spine surgery.  Therefore, Dr. Parikh can then also recommend lifestyle changes that could further improve your spinal cord health.

The staff at The Neuro & Spine Wellness Center in Frisco, TX, offer a wide range of comprehensive treatment options for spine problems and joint concerns, including surgical and non-surgical solutions.

To schedule your appointment, call 214-494-0455.